Prayer Board

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  • 🙏 241

    Pray for my finances for I'm going thru financial hardship and still struggling to make ends meet. P...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 97

    asking prayers for my friend Colleen she can’t seem to lose feelings and get away from a guy named J...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 117

    Please pray for my son to accept the Lord in his life so that his life can be filled with his God-gi...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 216

    Still in need for fervent prayer for my adult son Nikolas as he cont to struggle with his mental hea...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 175

    Prayer for debt cancelation for car payment so I can be free to bless ministries to spread the Word...

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  • 🙏 65

    Please pray for my prodigal husband to repent, lose desire for his mistress and come back to Jesus a...

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  • 🙏 11

    Ferrell family in columbus ohio and more none compromising on the word churches here our few on gen...

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  • 🙏 125

    husband just told me that he wants a divorce. We have been married for almost 23 years and have two ...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 73

    I was a victim of a violent assault 2 1/2 years ago. I still have a lot of anger, rage, hatred, bitt...

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