Prayer Board

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  • 🙏 70

    Please pray that my prodigal husband would have a road to Damascus encounter with the Lord, repent a...

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  • 🙏 97

    Pray I can get hired on the spot or as quickly as possible for a job. Thank you.

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  • 🙏 45

    Asking prayer to be able to sell eatate house, almost 1yr and its super low. Need to pay the taxes, ...

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  • 🙏 769

    Please pray for the salvation of my sons Joshua and Noah, my daughter-in-law Bobbi and Wei.

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  • 🙏 131

    I am broken and depressed I was married 19 years and divorced 10 years ago. 5 months after the divor...

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  • 🙏 126

    Regarding salvation can you just pray for me tgat I make the reasonable decision? Prayer that i Be r...

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  • 🙏 104

    My dad passed away yesterday from dementia and it saddens me with a heavy heart.

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  • 🙏 13

    Thanks for helping to pray for my son Frederick, 47 y.o. Who is right now in the ICU with double pne...

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  • 🙏 293

    I pray for a more just and peaceful world where we put God 1st, not our own self-interest. A world ...

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