Prayer Board

As you pray, use the buttons below to notify the person that you prayed for them.

  • 🙏 9

    Prayer for bringing my man closer to God and his divine wisdom. Prayer for our marriage harmony, res...

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  • 🙏 27

    Prayers:Joshua’s case please God extend your Mercy&Grace upon my brothers judge that she understands...

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  • 🙏 20

    Please pray that Semajae calls me and gets her car fixed asap. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

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  • 🙏 6

    Please pray they can get my infection and pain under control. Pray that surgery will not be necessar...

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  • 🙏 26

    My Neighbour Tom, has lupus which affects many parts of the body, Jesus please heal Tom completely a...

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  • 🙏 34

    Prayer for restoration of health to discharge all internal contamination of hazards inhaled or swall...

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  • 🙏 19

    I need prayer for clarity regarding my career and finances. Right now I feel as though I am in a fog...

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  • 🙏 14

    Bill-healing of pancreatic cancer. Chemo HAS shrunk tumor. Adding radiation so tumor shrinks more a...

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  • 🙏 44

    Please pray that my children remain spiritually connected to our Lord Jesus Christ & that each of th...

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