Prayer Board

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  • 🙏 44

    Please pray for all my family and friends and flatmate to receive Christ. Please pray for the salv...

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  • 🙏 67

    Praying that my husband Gerald's Left leg is healed of swelling and pain with full function of his...

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  • 🙏 404

    Need fervent continued prayer for my adult so Nikolas, thank you all for the prayers, pls cont to pr...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 54

    Mike our neighbors brother Steve passed last night. Between our property's we need a Real Estate Att...

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  • 🙏 87

    Recently married but despite 10 years of knowing each other, since she came to the US, seems I am be...

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  • 🙏 67

    My husband Bob age 79 had back surgery Friday . He suffered a fainting spell Saturday when trying to...

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  • 🙏 103

    I pray to get hired by a good company soon. Please pray for me, I've been almost 1 year without a ...

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  • 🙏 653

    I was diagnosed with end stage renal disease in Sept 2016 and have been on dialysis ever since. I pr...

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  • 🙏 286

    Please pray that my husband Paul will not even consider getting a divorce and that our marriage woul...

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