Prayer Board

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  • 🙏 140

    Pray for my daughter that God will redirect her path towards Him and away from bad influences and gr...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 129

    I am broken and depressed I was married 19 years and divorced 10 years ago. 5 months after the divor...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 162
    Julie Ann

    Dear God, please give me peace & enlightenment through this despair & heartbreak.Show me the way to ...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 124

    Regarding salvation can you just pray for me tgat I make the reasonable decision? Prayer that i Be r...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 121

    Could you please pray for me that I have an open heart to God? Go to church until something happens ...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 559

    Praying for healing and restoration of my son 's Marrage

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 289

    Please pray that my husband Paul will not even consider getting a divorce and that our marriage woul...

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 102

    My dad passed away yesterday from dementia and it saddens me with a heavy heart.

    Pray For This
  • 🙏 291

    I pray for a more just and peaceful world where we put God 1st, not our own self-interest. A world ...

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